Bill Management
Bill Management is feature for organizing and managing all your digital Bill. This centralized platform offers two core functionalities.
1. linked Vendors
A Linked Vendor is a digital profile that connects your business with suppliers. feature that displays detailed Linked Vendor information including Vendor Name, Bunsiness Type, Connected Customer, Phone and Address.
1.1. linked Vendor Detail
linekd Vendor Details provide in-depth information about a specific linked to their Bill, allowing for easy reference. To view a customer's details, simply click on their code.
Displays detailed Linked Vendor information including Vendor Code, Moc, Tin, and other relevant data etc.
Provides an overview of invoices associated with the Vendor including Invoice Number, Issuing Date, and Total Amount etc.
Provides an overview of invoices associated with the linked Bill IDs including Code, Name, Branch cod, MOC and Phone.
1.2. Linked Digital Bill
Bill Digital Linked is a place to input Digital Bill URl and Customer Code can upload data via excle file provided by Vendor. Simply click on their Linked Digital Bill.
- Upload Data via Excel file
2. Linked Bill IDs
Linked Bill IDs feature this implies that multiple Bill IDs can be associated with a single entity or record. Displays check box including Code, Name, Branch, Moc and Phone.
2.1. Check Box
A Check box on a linked Bill IDs that enables export to only Excel file and to add manual Transaction to the import in system .
2.2. Import
The Import enter additional custom attribute data on your linked Bill IDs in bulk via excel file. Simply click on "Import" Button.
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Note: The maximum file size for Excel uploads is 10 MB.