For SALES is a feature designed to streamline the invoice management process for businesses that accept online payments. It offers a convenient and efficient way to create, send, and track customer invoices.
1. Customer
The Customer section displays Customer Information, including Customer Code, Name, and Phone Number etc. Have 2 common methods for creating customer in Payment Getaway New Customer and import into the system via Excel file.
1.1. Customer Detail
Customer Details provide in-depth information about a specific customer linked to their invoices, allowing for easy reference. To view a customer's details, simply click on their code.
Displays detailed customer information including name, address, code, and other relevant data, etc.
Audit trail is a record history of changes made to customer and invoice information.
Provides an overview of invoices associated with the customer, including invoice number, invoice date, and total amount, etc.
1.2. New Customer
New Customer is a function for create customer and We can create new customer one by one.
2. Invoice
An invoice is a formal document issued by a seller to request payment for goods or services provided. It includes key information such as the total amount due, payment terms, and details about the products or services delivered. Have 2 common methods for creating invoices in Payment Getaway: Create New Invoice and import into the system via Excel file.
2.1. Invoice Detail
Invoice Detail is information that provides a comprehensive breakdown of invoice information, including invoice number, date, due date, currency, exchange rate, customer details (name, address) and itemized list of products or services with quantities, prices, and amounts, etc.
2.2. New Invoice
New Invoice is a function for create invoice. that users can create more invoice in two ways: Commercial Invoice &Tax Invoice.
Select Invoice Type:
Commercial Invoice: Choose this option if it is a standard business.
Tax Invoice: Select this option if it involves taxes that need to be factored in or shown separately.
Displays detailed Invoice information including Customer, Invoice Number, Currency and Salesperson, etc.
Item Details Invoice:
Displays item detailed including item Name, Description, Quantity, Price, Discount and Tax.
Add More Items: Click the Add button to include more line items as necessary.
Attachments: If there are any relevant files to include (e.g., contracts, specifications, or product images), upload them under the Attachments section.
Save: You can save the Invoice the creation using the buttons at the bottom right. save have 2 option save and draft and save and approve.
3. Import
Import Function: Allows users to upload customer and invoice data in bulk via Excel file to the For Sale Invoices section. To initiate the import process, download the provided Excel template from the portal. Populate the template with customer and invoice information according to the specified format.
3.1. View Detail
The View Detail function displays specific information about an individual invoice that has been imported.
3.2. Mapping Field
Mapping Field: Users can map their Excel data to system fields by configuring column settings.
Start Row: Specify the initial row containing data in the Excel file.
Column Order: Define the sequence of columns in the Excel file.
Default Column Name: View the system's predefined column name.
Custom Column Name: Modify the system column name (e.g., change "refid" to "Ref ID").
Data Type: Select the appropriate data type for the column (text, number, date, etc.).
Default Value: Set a default value for the column (e.g., "Inv-001" for the first row).
Date Format: Specify the date format as dd/mm/yyyy.
Required Field: Indicate whether the column is mandatory.
Column Visibility: Choose whether to display or hide the column.
Column Reordering: Users can easily rearrange the order of columns by clicking and dragging them to the desired position.
3.3. Import
To Import Customer and Invoice data, follow these steps:
Download Template: Click the "Template File" button to download a
pre-formatted Excel template.
Prepare Data: Enter customer and invoice information into the
downloaded template, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.
Upload File: Click the "Browse File" button to select the completed
Excel file.
Import: Submit the file for processing.
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Note: The maximum file size for Excel uploads is 10 MB.