This Dashboard allows users to monitor and analyze the volume and types of transactions over specific time periods, helping track payment activities and settlement details.
This section shows the total number of transactions for today, yesterday, this month, and last month.
Total Settlement Amount: This section displays the total amount of money that has been settled through the payment gateway during the selected period. You can compare it with other dates and export it as well.
Transaction Type: This section provides a breakdown of the different types of transactions that were processed during the selected period. The pie chart shows the percentage distribution of each transaction type, while the bar chart shows the number of transactions for each type. In the case, transactions less than or equal to 5% not shown.
Transaction by Bank: This section provides a breakdown of the transactions processed by different banks during the selected period.
The bar chart shows the percentage distribution of transactions for each bank.
Unsuccessful Transactions: This section provides information on the number of unsuccessful transactions for the last 60 days. It shows the number of different types of unsuccessful transactions, including failed, expired, canceled, and reversed transactions.