The Setting is General configuration options and preferences. It offers 2 primary functions:
1. General Settings
These settings allow for system-wide configurations related to tax, Exchange Rate and Sequence Configure.
1.1. Tax
Tax settings are essential for accurate financial reporting and compliance. This will guide you through the process of defining and managing tax settings for both sales and purchases, focusing on the two primary tax concepts: tax and tax group.
Tax: A specific tax rate applied to a particular transaction.
Tax Group: A collection of related taxes that are applied together to a transaction.
1.2. Exchange Rate
BillFlow exchange rates are automatically obtained from NBC (National Bank of Cambodia), providing users with reliable, real-time data for their financial transactions. In addition to this automated feature, users also have the flexibility to create and input custom exchange rates tailored to specific business needs.
New Exchange Rate: Create and input custom exchange rates tailored to specific business needs.
1.3. Sequence Configuration
The Sequence Configuration feature in BillFlow allows users to set up and manage the numbering sequence for various business documents such as Invoices, Quote, Receipt, Bill Payment and customer record. This feature ensures that each document generated by the system follows a logical and customizable number pattern.
2. Bill Management
The Bill Management section offers various configuration options and preferences that allow you to customize the and appearance of bills within your system. These settings can be tailored to meet your specific business requirements and preferences.
2.1. Link Bill Configure
The link Bill Configure Is a limitation on the number of Customer to connect to receive invoices from suppliers. If we click the Open button it means that we can allow others to link more link Digital Bill URL and Customer code to you in the system.
2.2. Customize Attribute
The Customize Attribute is for linked Bill IDs you can customize by adding new field your table and can delete.